If you have your own website and are writing a blog, then there is no reason not to have the blog on your own website. I see many people with websites that include links to blogs on other sites. These are normally free, commercial blog sites.

It makes much more sense to have the blog on your own site. This is easy to do, and free! This blog uses WordPress and, as you can see from its URL, is firmly planted inside my own website.
The main advantages of having the blog on your own website are:

  • Not leading the visitor to another site and away from yours
  • Not having to worry about the free blog site disappearing
  • No annoying free ads and banners on your blog pages
  • Being in total control of all the content and settings yourself

And as for the disadvantages . . . there aren’t any!

So, if you have a website, why not start your own blog on your own site. And, if you still don’t have a website, why not start one; it’s cheap and easy, and comes with plenty of other benefits.